Visitor Centre
Start your stay on the right foot with a trip to the Kimberley Visitor Centre. The Centre is centrally located at the far end of the main Platzl parking area on the corner that Ross St. turns into Kimberley Ave., within eyesight of our one-and-only stoplight. Here, you’ll find in-the-know, long-time locals ready to greet you with plenty of insider tips on how to make your Kimberley stay memorable and tailored to your needs. We have collected one of the largest collections of Visitor Guides and local information you'll find at any Visitor Center.
We also have a convenient electric vehicle charging station, as well as public washrooms that are available for use during Visitor Centre hours.
Contact Us
270 Kimberley AvenueKimberley BC, V1A 0A3 10am-5pm Daily (excluding holidays)

Maps, Apps, and Info
Looking for some adventure guidance? Whether you plan to hit the slopes, cruise the trails, or embark on a backcountry adventure, we’re here to help.
In the Visitor Center, we have collected over 150 guidebooks, maps, and local brochures and magazines, to provide you with important information and future possibilities for adventure in our beautiful province.
As a part of the Destination British Columbia tourism network, we have access to the most current and accurate travel information available. Come stock up on our maps, apps and guidebooks, local knowledge, and itinerary ideas. Then, come back for any dining, attraction, or adventure questions that crop up throughout your stay. We’re keen to share insider tidbits here and eager to set you up with some sweet, Kimberley experiences.