About Tourism Kimberley
Tourism Kimberley is a not-for-profit society that is owned and operated by the tourism industry stakeholders through an elected Board of Directors.
Please click the links below to view Tourism Kimberley Society Constitution and Bylaws:
A stakeholder model has been adopted by the Tourism Kimberley Board which means that all tourism businesses and organizations in Kimberley and surrounding areas– the geographic area represented and hence impacted by Tourism Kimberley marketing activities – are automatically stakeholders with Tourism Kimberley without paying a membership fee.
Businesses who decide to link themselves to Tourism Kimberley’s marketing activities through the purchase of one or more advertising packages offered will receive the added benefit of being eligible to vote for the Board of Directors. A variety of advertising packages has been developed to meet the needs of all sizes of businesses.
Our Purpose
We believe in warm welcomes and sharing the delights that inspire our community
Our Process
Through partnership, leadership and innovation, we foster sustainable growth in Tourism
Our Result
We offer thoughtful, diverse experiences for our guests year-round