Kimberley Underground Mining Railway


Operating weekends May 18 to June 23, 2024 Summer Season starts June 27, Thurs thru Mon until Sept 1

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Creation Story of the Kootenays

Since time beyond the reach of memory, the homeland of the Ktunaxa was ruled by spirit animals. The largest was Naⱡmuqȼin, a giant. He was so big he crawled on his hands and knees, because at full height, he was too tall for the sky. Like many spirit animals, Naⱡmuqȼin had a prophecy to fulfill to welcome ʔaqⱡmaknik’(people). After leading a victorious war party in a Big Chase of a pesky water monster (Yawuʔnik’) that ultimately formed the region's waterways and hoodoo landscapes, Naⱡmuqȼin created the human race, designating Ktunaxa People as keepers of the land. Then Naⱡmuqȼin celebrated his victory, and in the process, stood straight up and bumped his head on the ceiling of the sky. The impact knocked him dead, his body forming the Rocky Mountain Range. Through connecting with the Ktunaxa Creation Story, you too are invited to form a deeper connection to #KtunaxaHomelands.

Find ZenSeeker videos about the Ktunaxa Creation Story on our YouTube Channel!


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